
Thursday, April 2, 2020



Majed Veysel (@mm.v) maintains a devoted following a hundred thousand followers on Instagram alone. He is known for his black and white photographs of various architecture. Majed started from a humble begging in Aleppo, Syria. He went to the American school in Aleppo back in 2012, after which he moved to Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi in Istanbul, where he graduated in architecture. He studied architecture in Italy and started his master 2 years ago.
As a highly talented architect, he has managed to win several awards. Once an Intern Architect, “S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati” In Rome – Italy in 2016, now well known for his work on Skyland Istanbul Highest Skyscraper in Turkey.
We came in contact with the talented architecture, photography to discuss his creative influences, work, inspiration, drive, and background from Majed himself in an exclusive interview below.

HONKMAGAZINE: What have you learned from architecture?
Majed: There is a massive power inside every person that he or she cannot take advantage of it. Human beings eat, drink and sleep more than they should. The average human being sleeps 25 years in life. There is a treasure of vitality inside me and every person, and the capacity to understand, endure and be patient… We do not use much out of that treasure, I try to make the most of it. It has no limits, no boundaries for creativity.
HONKMAGAZINE: Why just black and white? Is that creative or unique in some sense of meaning for you?
Majed: Black and white photography has a certain timeless quality that captivates me. When colors are stripped away from an image, only the essence of the scene remains. And photography then becomes a game of contrast between light and shadows and black and white are the purest colors in all forms for my line of work, especially architecture. When shapes matter more than anything, black and white bring them all out.
HONKMAGAZINE: How do you make this a statement in one line.
Majed: “To see in color is a delight for the eye but to see in black and white is a delight for the soul.” Said Andri Cauldwell. [Majed smiles.]

HONKMAGAZINE: Your images are sharp high contrast compositions of art, architecture, should we expect color to show up soon?
Majed: Maybe [Majed smiles.]

HONKMAGAZINE: You’re featured everywhere on Fox, news rooms, TV’s and many people. How does one from the east side of the world get some much attention in the Western world?
Majed: You know.. art is universal and again – art has not limits. A lot of building, architecture in the Western World are inspired from European, modern area and renaissance art. Art is global and the attention on my pictures are globally. My main fanbase, I cannot tell. More than 100 countries follow me on Instagram and there is a beauty in seeing the global traction.
HONKMAGAZINE: How do you decide where t take a photo? There are so many nice places, buildings out there. What captivates your attention?
Majed: The foundation of my philosophy is that everything in Universe is created twice: first in our minds, then in the material world. Before deciding what to capture, I first try to dream and as you see a meaningful caption is applied to any of my work. There’s always a story in my head that I try to bring to life in pixels.
HONKMAGAZINE: Majed, it was a pleasure chatting today. How do people get in touch with you for collaboration?
Majed: honestly, direct mail is best on my website: or DM in my Instagram, so many people message me on a day to day basis so allow me some time to get back!

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